Sunday, January 24, 2010


So this is a bit overdue, but i won't be writing for a while because my mama comes to visit on thursday! So thought i should now :)

2009 went by so fast i cant believe its already 2010! when i think about what all has happened in a years time its unreal. I officially believe that at this point in my life, 2009 has been the best year thus far:

I graduate college,

got to go to dublin for spring break with some great friends,

a good friend went into a coma and beat the odds everyday and survived (amazing story, he is a living miracle) This was on my birthday, i got to see him for the first time since he's woken up

moved to Australia and met some incredible people and have gotten to visit some amazing places while here

(new years eve fireworks over the harbor)
and my best friend from kid days is getting married and i get to be her maid of honor! (still excited, sorry if its mentioned in every post...well, not that sorry!)

2010 is going to be amazing and i am sure it will be even better than the last year. i have learned so much and feel like so much has changed in just a years time. this march i get to go to south east asia with my roommate out here from england named elena, and with my friend from texas (clarice) who is meeting us in bangkok! We are traveling through thailand, laos, vietnam, cambodia, malaysia, and singapore. I.CANT.WAIT!