So its always few and far between that I update this thing, but I figured now was a good time to do so, considering its been a very crazy time lately!
Quick update:
This year has been a fun one, after Southeast asia with clarice and elena (which was AMAZING fun):
Moto riding on Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam
Junk Boat 3 day trip on Halong Bay
Elena and Clarice and I in a "tuk tuk" (asian taxis) in Phomn Phen, Cambodia

In front of Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Our first meal in laos...we thought it was potatoes in there, but once we got a closer look it was a CHICKEN HEAD! AH!
Tree house we ziplined into that we stayed in while in Laos
Tubing in the caves in laos! (this is clarice, not me) 
This is Clarice ziplining in Laos from our treehouse (5 stories high!)
These two were my old roommates in sydney that we ran into in Vang Vieng, Laos! (very small village)
Crazy asian lack of laws. she was so cute though!
Snorkling off the Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
I went back to sydney for a quick minute before comin back to the states for Laura's wedding!
Unfortunately during my trek back, I had a not so fun hospital visit due to contaminated water in malaysia (thats a crazy story in itself, some of you know already). But all good now! Had lots of people praying and great friends and family taking great care of me :)
So since june I have been working at Sprinkles Cupcake Bakery in Dallas and little did i know how famous of a bakery it was before i started....
In recent news, I am moving to Washington DC next week for a job with a travel company! Its called STA Travel . And I could not be more excited!! Its basically my dream job right now. I get to help plan and book peoples trips!! Its on George Washington University Campus. :)
Don't worry people, just because I have a grown up job now and don't sell (and mostly just eat) lost of cupcakes, doesn't mean i'm going to stop traveling! Clarice and I are going to backpack the west coast of australia in march, and hopefully our other friend elena (who we did southeast asia with) will be joining us :) I am liking the tradition we're starting of backpacking together once a year!
And other fun news, the first weekend I am in DC, the Colbert rally and John Stewart rally are going on, and some of my friends are flying in for it and we are all dressing up as the characters from hook :)
So thats it for now! till next time! sorry this ended up being more of a picture blog than anything!
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